Summer/School 2012
Summer its the time we get
off school, the time to chill, relax, have fun, enjoy life. The time were we
can surround ourselves with who we want to be surrounded by, unlike at school,
where we go and see the same faces over and over again, and we can't just leave
or go to a different room. It can get frustrating, we start to get bored of the
same routine, and after a while it gets under our skin and everything and
everyone irritates us. Well I am glad I have a few months to free myself from
any rumors, gossip, drama, fights, homework, teachers and most of all
arguments. Its not like I won't have arguments with people in the summer, but
at least that’s with my family and just them. In school its with classmates who
as soon as you put in your thought and idea's that even slightly don't agree
with there’s, you get the cold shoulder and not from them but also there
friends (have you ever done that to someone? I'll admit I have done something
similar, though not as harsh). I love how whenever there’s a simple
disagreement we blow it out of proportion the stress of school can make us do
things, like stress over everything that isn't related to our education so that
we can escape the books. We let disagreements/actions tear friendships and
even acquaintances apart when they can be fixed. Instead of trying to
fix the problem we ignore it and end up trying to reason the disagreement by
talking to someone about what we find the other person did wrong and sometimes
even ending up bitching about him or her, even when we didn't intend to.